HME Represents at AZASCE Conference

On September 9th 2016, HM structural engineering intern Sabrina Ballard participated in the AzASCE conference student competition at Desert Willow Conference Center in Phoenix, AZ. The competition required students to research an engineering topic and present the findings of the research to a panel of professional engineers at the conference. Sabrina won first place out of approximately 20 participants from all three state universities! Sabrina’s research was on the use of photogrammetry to assess the condition of existing structures and crack measurements in comparison to the methods traditionally used. She was inspired to research this topic because she had previously assisted a grad student with research on photogrammetry and really enjoyed it. Another contributing factor was that her research involved a lot of photography, which is a hobby of hers. Sabrina’s research took place over the course of one year and she decided to enter it in the competition because she really enjoys presenting. Also, as the president of the Northern Arizona University student chapter of ASCE, she wanted to inspire her peers to research topics interesting to them and enter the competition in the future.
Way to go Sabrina! We are glad to have you as part of our Hubbard Merrell team.