The Path Ahead

How will standards impact the industry? Where are the best growth opportunities? We asked six experts to share their vision.

In the past year, aerial parks and zip lines have received great visibility and growing awareness, though a spate of incidents have challenged the notion that “all publicity is good publicity.” All this has generated a mix of optimism and caution, as the following comments reveal.

QUESTION 1: Adventure Park Insider: What is the greatest opportunity for the adventure park industry?

Valdo: It’s to invite kids and families to get out and enjoy physical challenges together in the great outdoors!

Ryan: The opportunity is to find a great location for an aerial course, that you can afford to build and operate, and enjoy running a business where you get to interact with happy clients every day.

Micah: I think the public would appreciate a consistent and easily recognizable quality assurance program for adventure parks to help them choose which parks they should attend. Right now it is difficult to know which parks are doing their due diligence to follow industry standards. Being able to offer that level of quality assurance would be a great opportunity for the customers, as well as the practitioners and operators. The ACCT is currently developing a program accreditation service to help meet this need. More information will be available at the upcoming ACCT conference.

Read the rest of the Q & A at

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