January 12, 2016
Name: Micah Henderson
Email: [email protected]
Title: Board of Directors Chair
Phone: 928.814.6708
DEERFIELD, Illinois– The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) is pleased to announce that the ANSI/ACCT 03-2016 Challenge Course and Canopy/Zip Line Tour Standard received final approval January 11, 2016 from the ANSI Board of Standards Review. It is now an Approved American National Standard (ANS).
Founded in 1993, the ACCT is the world’s leading and largest American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Developer focused specifically and solely on the challenge course industry (including aerial adventure parks, zip lines, canopy tours, team challenge courses, and climbing structures). ACCT was responsible for the development of the first industry standard, published in 1994. In 2006, ACCT became an ANSI Accredited Standards Developer and has since maintained that status. This designation indicates that ACCT has an accredited standards development process that is open, fair, and has allowed for equal representation of all material affected parties.
“I am amazed by how many people were a part of getting us to this milestone. I remember the original task group, set up by the Board of Directors at that time, being created to look into what it would take to start this process,” said Micah Henderson, ACCT Board of Directors Chair. “It is estimated that over 1,000 individuals were involved in the ANSI standards process over the past 10 years. There is no way to thank them all, but if you were one of them, know that your current Board of Directors is extremely grateful for your involvement.”
As the industry has grown and matured, many government bodies have chosen to establish or increase regulation for challenge courses, zip lines, and aerial adventure parks. The ACCT has always been a recognized leader, contributor, and voice in this process, and having the approval of ANSI for their standards development process is an additional endorsement, even beyond support from the international aerial adventure community.
“We are the largest group of professionals within this industry worldwide,” says Henderson. “We are proud that we have stayed committed to the process of consolidating the voices of hundreds of challenge course and zip line tour professionals. We know how important it is to hold ourselves to a widely recognized standard within our industry. It’s a task that we have never taken lightly, and one that fulfills the responsibility we have to participants and clients; the people who place their trust in us as an industry.”
The ANS will be available in PDF form, and it will be mobile-friendly. Members of the ACCT will receive their copies of the standard immediately on the release date, estimated to be before the 26th Annual International ACCT Conference and Expo to be held January 28-31, 2016 in Lost Pines, Texas. Non-members may purchase a copy of the ANS after the release date and can also get information on how to join the ACCT by visiting the ACCT website at or by calling the ACCT office at 800.991.0286.